
Bug Fixes and Minor Adjustments

  • Removed the “entry complete” button on quotes since it didn’t have a use anymore and was causing issues.
  • Improved the formatting of the message given when trying to post an invoice for items with insufficient stock.
  • Fixed: If user had a voucher open and another user posted it, the original user was able to un-receive it even though it was now posted.
  • In P10, if user presses cancel after a partial payment is received, it will attempt to charge the remainder to the customer’s account.
  • Removed 30 day limit on open items shown when searching for customer/vendor.
  • P10: Fixed the warning the user received when posting an invoice that would exceed the credit limit was showing the credit limit amount, rather than the amount they would be going over.
  • Fixed: P10 was not updating the contact ID field on attachments on an order/PO if the Customer/Vendor was changed. (this made the attachments fail to load in P9)
  • P10: Fixed issue of certain orders having all their details ysnTransferred = true (including lines that weren’t on any transfer). Happened when an order is simultaneously on an outgoing trip as well as a transfer trip, and the transfer trip was completed.
  • P10: Fixed: selecting a new product ID on a line that is currently a comment or a bundle, wasn’t allowing selection unless the user manually switched the line type
  • P10: Added a search field to the inventory list to search multiple columns at once.
  • P10: Added detail info dropdown to the universal search view.
  • P10: Fixed: adding items to build detail was not working.
  • P10: Added pertinent columns to PO and PI views. Also removed several invalid columns.
  • P10: fixed an issue where inventory items failed to load or loaded slowly.
  • P10: Added basically all columns as options in order and invoice list. 
  • P10: changed product dropdown to work with scanning in products at high speed. Previously would not accept the product if the server connection wasn’t fast. 
  • P10: Added Load date/time as columns in daily deliveries.
  • Production: Changed coil export code to only attempt to export if the exporter is set to use Connex.


Feature Additions and Major Changes

  • The lot selection form on Quotes and Orders will not allow lots that have already been selected on other orders to be selected again. Also, the form now displays the total units already used on other orders.
  • Added Vendors to Paradigm 10.

Bug Fixes and Minor Adjustments

  • Fixed a bug in P10 that limited decimal values to 4 places.
  • Fixed a bug when opening multiple items from a list.
  • P10 will now allow attachments on locked detail lines to be opened.
  • Fixed an issue in P10 where prices on a sales transaction were updated after changing the customer info via the customer hyperlink.


Feature Additions and Major Changes

  • Added company preference to enable lot selection form on orders and quotes. User will be prompted to select the lot to use when the lot-tracked product is added as a line item (similar to credit memo selection).

Bug Fixes and Minor Adjustments

  • Paradigm 9 will now auto-fix blank sales tax codes when converting to an invoice instead of simply failing to convert.
  • Fixed to not allow creating a job transfer return line for a line on the same job transfer.
  • Posting a build will now fail if a line on the build detail has been given a null cost. Also fixed so builds with zero quantities will not have null detail line costs.