
Bug Fixes and Minor Adjustments

  • Fixed: the lot qty set by the Coil scan tool was not matching the amount requested in certain situations (off by 0.00001 qty)
  • SWI export: Added support for specifying multiple machines for a single service job.
  • SWI export: Added Setting to Send Paradigm User Name as Machine Name to allow mapping jobs to a slitter per user.
  • SWI export: Added Setting to Send Order Detail Description instead of Product ID.
  • Fixed: quick build: needs to complete all steps on multi-step builds, so it can post.
  • Fixed: Lots Available popup was referencing column IntUnpostedCount which didn’t exist.
  • Fixed: the build id column in order/invoice/PO should not be visible by default.
  • Added: locking a build/builds in production will now set the strLockedBy field on the build to the current user name.
  • Changed to require web version of at least 551.002 to enable invoice payment link generation.
  • Fixed: will now only allow user to send invoice payment link on posted, un-paid invoices.
  • Fixed report printing to collate pages.


Bug Fixes and Minor Adjustments

  • Added a preference to component/RF production to specify whether to show qty or pieces in the tree.
  • Fixed: selecting a customer in the receivable form via arrow keys and pressing enter was not selecting the one they had navigated to.
  • Fixed: inventory trans costs were not calculating properly for received coils during coil splitting.


Bug Fixes and Minor Adjustments

  • Attempting to prevent showing duplicate product lines in the lot usage popup.
  • Added machine setting to optionally show the lot available qtys in the lot selection screen in production build completion.
  • Added “Last used” and “Unposted Count” columns to depletion form.
  • Improved layout of lot depletion screen. Added product and description columns.
  • Added Order Status to daily delivery list. Also gave the columns better names in the column chooser.
  • Added button to insert payment request links on invoice emails.
  • Moved depleted/completed checkboxes to the right in the lot management screen.
  • Added an optional build ID column in QO/OE/SI/MO screens.
  • Purchasing agent: changed to allow editing the vendors/sites in the list before creating POs.
  • Added a setting on vendor to not open print screen when releasing PO (for vendors connected through Data Hub)
  • Fixed an issue preventing new models from being created.
  • Fixed: edits on the header of an inventory adjustment would get lost if user opened/closed lot info on a detail line before the header was saved.
  • Fixed: in inventory assembly, couldn’t remove a mapping after it had been set. Also fixed adding new inventory special prices.
  • Changed UOM field to not show in production lot assignment.
  • Changed purge request to return messages as toasts rather than popups.
  • Fixed: tabbing through lot selection after adding a new rec lot: it was not setting focus to the qty Rec column.


Bug Fixes and Minor Adjustments

  • Fixed: production build step completion: If there were multiple lot products used in the build, and the user selected coils for the first one, the finish button was getting enabled immediately. It needs to look at all coil lines to decide if they may continue.
  • Fixed: Build screen: user was prevented from editing the lots because it can’t put the build into edit mode because it was locked by production.
  • Fixed: existing lot assignments with zero qty on a build weren’t showing when the lot form opens.
  • Fixed: adding a component or editing a U/M on a build detail wasn’t setting the default LM1 and LM2 qty if the U/M was linear.
  • Added company preference to ignore exclusive pricing levels if “Compound Discounts” is turned off for a product.
  • Fixed: pricing sheet screen not loading properly.
  • Made the barcode scan field in work order list more friendly for actual scanning.


Feature Additions and Major Changes

  • Added a button to update all inventory quantities from custom setup screen – this uses a new process and is very fast.

Bug Fixes and Minor Adjustments

  • Fixed: In lot selector, when receiving lots if you changed the lot name on a line you already entered, it created a new lot, but the Lot ID on the lot usage record still pointed to the old Lot.
  • Fixed: deleting a line from a transaction was not adding an entry to the audit trail.
  • Fixed: open all from invoice list was showing 1 of 0 in some cases.
  • Changed lot creation to set the UOM on the new lot to the base U/M of the product, if the sales U/M is not for 1 qty.
  • Changed report parameter selection to select the first option rather than the last by default when the report has parameter options. Also changed to allow custom parameter values on parameters with a value list.
  • Fixed to allow deleting contact method masks.
  • Fixed: could not remove mask from contact type after set. couldn’t delete contact types.
  • Changed contact method type editor to require company preference permissions.
  • Changed to ensure state, zip, city, and warehouse dropdowns are alphabetical.
  • Fixed: purging or checking build status was not returning any messages. Also changed to allow checking status on posted builds.
  • Fixed Invoice, PO, VI email subjects to match P9. (P10 was incorrectly using “Email” as the prefix)
  • Fixed to obey sort order in customer type and vendor type dropdowns.
  • Fixed: The “set price” checkbox wasn’t showing checked when a user set a price manually on an invoice line, until they refreshed.
  • Fixed: Inventory build status was showing “Locked by production” twice if it was locked and not completed/posted.
  • Fixed: quarter and fiscal year date ranges will use 1/1 as the fiscal year start. Consolidated report date range calculations.
  • Added editor for task activity types.
  • Added delete button to attachment list screen.
  • Changed terms edit screen to not allow terms discount >= 100% or <0%
  • Changed to not require future ship date on order if user is re-releasing it.
  • Purchasing agent: Changed total updating to just update the totals for the items you are filtered to.
  • Fixed: dialogs that came up during batch releasing/converting, etc. were getting hidden behind the progress bar popup.
  • Fixed the display of the city/state column for customer/vendor dropdowns.
  • Fixed: if there are VAMs missing lots it should auto-open the lot dialog on post.
  • Build splitting: If the entire build is assigned to use one lot (coil), it will now copy over to the new build. In other situations, it will just clear the lot assignments.
  • Changed invoice/build posting to keep a useful cost on the line when the user posts a zero qty non-stock build. (so margins on that line make sense)
  • Fixed p9 to fall back to default department ID on deposits when they are set up for using customer/vendor departments.