How do I export my inventory information?

Paradigm’s inventory import/export feature allows you to export from four different inventory tables (Which table do I want to use?). A rule to follow when exporting from any of these tables is to only export the columns that you need.

– After selecting the table from which you want to export information, you will be asked to specify the fields you would like to export. The buttons at the top of the form can be used to add or remove all the fields or bring in the saved defaults if one has been saved. Alternatively, you can choose individual fields to export (What fields do I want to use?). After you have selected all of the data that you want to export, you can select the checkbox to save those fields as default for that table, or simply click ‘Next’ to continue.


– The next step is to specify which records to export via a filter. One option is to export all of the data in that table by selecting ‘Export All’ at the top of the form. Normally it is much more useful to specify a smaller data set to export though, which can be done by using the filter criteria section. Just one or all three of these filters can be used, being evaluated in this order: (filter1 + filter2) + filter3. Specify the field name, condition type and criteria to limit your data set. NOTE: when using the ‘Like’ or ‘Not Like’ conditions, a wildcard will have to be used in the criteria.

– Select the type of file to export, then specify a file name and place to which the file should be saved.

– Navigate to the file and verify that all of the data that you want has been exported.


How To Export Inventory
How To Export Inventory