How can I move stock from one of my warehouses to another without creating an invoice for it?

Use the inventory transfer screen to move product from one warehouse to another. First open Inventory -> Inventory Transfer and click ‘Add’. Specify the date to transfer the product, the description of the transfer (if needed) and the origin and destination warehouses. Enter the products to be transferred as well as specifying a ‘Qty to Transfer’, being sure to have the correct unit of measure selected. When all products to be transferred have been entered, click ‘Release’, which will mark that stock as committed. If your company uses the Dispatching module for Paradigm, the transfer will show up in the ‘Transfers’ section at this point.

When the transfer has been assigned to a trip, the trip ID will show on that transfer in Paradigm, and then when the transfer is completed in Dispatching, it will be marked as such in Paradigm. At this point the transfer is ready to post, after entering the actual quantities received for each of the detail lines. Note that a transfer can be posted even if it has not been scheduled or completed in Dispatching. If fewer of a product have been received than were scheduled to transfer, posting the transfer will prompt to add the remaining product to a new transfer.

Transfers can be created from Manufacture Orders with one click if the items are being produced at a different warehouse than where they will be stocked (in other words, if the header warehouse is different from the detail warehouse).

Also note the two dropdowns beside the product ID; one with a list of products, the other with warehouse stock information.

Inventory Transfers
Inventory Transfers