– When making a payable (Payment to a Vendor) or a receivable (Payment from a customer), the list of customer/vendor IDs only includes those that have a balance. If a particular ID is not showing in the list, they have a 0 balance.

– By entering the total payment amount in the ‘Amount Paid’ field and clicking the button with coins on it, Paradigm will take the amount paid and apply it against the list of invoices automatically, starting with the oldest outstanding transaction.

– The discount and payment columns can be toggled between the total value and 0 by double-clicking on them.

– After entering payments onto transactions in the detail, double-click the ‘Amount Paid’ in the header to total the payments.

– If the amount paid exceeds the invoices listed, enter the total payment in the ‘Amount Paid’ field even if though it is greater than the sum of the ‘Payment’ column. When the receivable is posted, you will be prompted to automatically create an overpayment for the customer that will be entered as a credit to their account.

– When using discounts for a particular invoice, note that the discounts will only be kept when the invoice is paid in full, to keep the discount from being used multiple times. If the transaction is not being paid in full, the discount will be set to 0 during posting.

– After a receivable is deposited, you can easily see which deposit it is on by clicking the ‘View Deposit’ button.

– If a receivable has hit the bank account directly and it does not need to be deposited, simply change the ‘Deposit Acct’ to the appropriate bank account. This will add funds directly to the bank account and not require the receivable to be deposited.

– When paying bills, the ‘Pay Bills (Multi-Vendor)’ screen can be used. This form lists all open bills that need to be paid, grouped by vendor ID. Enter the discounts and payments on each line to be paid, enter the next check number at the top of the form, and click ‘Post’ to create multiple payments at once. You will also be prompted to print the checks after they have been created.

– In the ‘Pay Bills (Multi-Vendor)’ list, a range of check numbers can be printed by using the ‘Print Checks’ button.

– When payment is given to a vendor prior to purchasing product from them (a deposit), use the ‘Vendor Prepayments’ form. Enter the vendor, check number, and amount; then post the prepayment to add a credit to that vendor’s balance.

– In both the payable and receivable lists, a particular invoice number can be searched for using the ‘Invoice Detail Search’ field at the top of the form. This will bring up any payments for the invoice entered.

See also Returning Payments.

Receiving/Making Payments Tips and Tricks
Receiving/Making Payments Tips and Tricks