How do I add a location to a warehouse and assign a product to that location?

Sometimes in the course of human history, it comes upon a company to label its products and then to assign them to a particular warehouse. As the business grows and expands, the company realizes that it would be far more efficient to have each item assigned to a location in a warehouse. This will allow Bill the New Employee to find that bucket of roofing cement in 15 minutes. This is still much slower than George (a veteran of 15 years) who can find that bucket in 3 minutes flat with his eyes closed but far better than the 35 minutes it would have taken Bill without this information.

Steps to add a location to a Warehouse

1. Select on the Inventory tab

2. Click on the Warehouses button to open the Warehouses form (don’t forget to click the Edit button)

3. Click on the Detail tab

4. Add your locations in the list box

Add a Product to a Warehouse location

1. Click on the Inventory tab

2. Select Inventory Items

3. Click on the Warehouse Stock tab

4. Select the location from the combo box

How to add Locations to a Warehouse
How to add Locations to a Warehouse